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CFP: SPSCVA & Film and Philosophy Workshop


June 16th, 2023


The Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA) together with Film and Philosophy are sponsoring an online workshop to take place on June 16, 2023. 

We are open to submissions from scholars outside of philosophy in order to promote interdisciplinary discussion. We also strongly encourage submissions from women and minorities and from junior and new members of the SPSCVA. 

Interested participants are invited to submit detailed abstracts (500 to 800 words in length) for individual presentations as well as panel proposal. We encourage participants to focus on current topics of interest such as, but not limited to:


  • The representation of race in film

  • Online streaming VS in-person screening

  • Animation

  • The relationship between film criticism and philosophy

  • Contemporary directors

  • TV series


Proposals should be prepared for blind review and submitted no later than April 10th. All submissions should be sent to


Accepted authors will be notified by May 1st and will be asked to provide a finalized copy of their paper by May 20th. Papers will be presented and discussed in a pre-read workshop format:


  • Participants will commit to read all accepted papers prior to the workshop

  • The author will have 10 minutes to introduce the paper; the introduction will be followed by brief comments by an assigned commentator; the remaining portion of the session will be dedicated to Q&A


Interested commentators, chairs, and tech chairs should reach out to co-Chairs Laura T. Di Summa at and John Dyck at

While we cannot guarantee acceptance, selected papers will be considered for publication in Film and Philosophy.

© 2021 by the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA)

This is the website for the Society for the Philosophic Study of the Contemporary Visual Arts (SPSCVA). The Society brings together scholars interested in film, philosophy, and their intersection. 

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